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18+ FSA beheaders of Al CIAeda destroy Carlton Hotel in Aleppo 8 5 14
Huge Explosion Rocks Carlton Hotel in Aleppo
Blast targets Syrian troops at Aleppo Carlton Hotel
18+ FSA terrorists 'Jerusalem briagde' attacking Syrian positions from Golans 8 5 14
18+ Medieval Inquisitions, and Lying Propaganda by Terrorists in Syria Exposed -- War Crimes
18+FSA 'rebels' continue shelling of Damascus, Al Zabadani, 5 12 12
16-11-12 Destruction and chaos, indiscriminate violence of FSA terrorists
Syria, First Images from inside the central prison of Aleppo, liberated by the Syrian Arab Army
18+ not for shock! Turkish "FSA" commander terminated near Harasta, 02-01-2013
Syria FSA Israeli allies in Golan Village of Beer Ajam Clash With SAA 12-Nov-12 Quneitra
Destruction of Old Aleppo by Crows of Al-Sham Al-Islamic Brigade
Rare CNN Report How al Qaeda Militants Rebels Get Smuggled into Syria via Turkey